Source code for livvkit.elements.elements

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018, UT-BATTELLE, LLC
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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# FIXME: This docstring
"""Module containing report generation and display elements

The elements in this module are used by LIVVkit to generate analyses reports.
Reports by default will be a portable HTML website, but each of these elements
provide some experimental (and therefore undocumented) report formats: JSON-Only
and LaTeX.

New elements should derive from, or implement the same interface as, the
BaseElement abstract class.

import os
import abc
import glob
import difflib
import collections

from pathlib import Path

import jinja2
import json_tricks
import pandas as pd

import livvkit
from livvkit.util import bib

_HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# skipcq: BAN-B701
_html_env = jinja2.Environment(
        loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(_HERE, 'templates')))

# skipcq: BAN-B701
_latex_env = jinja2.Environment(
        block_start_string=r'\BLOCK{',    # default: {%
        block_end_string=r'}',            # default: %}
        variable_start_string=r'\VAR{',   # default: {{
        variable_end_string=r'}',         # default: }}
        comment_start_string=r'\#{',      # default: {#
        comment_end_string=r'}',          # default: #}
        loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(_HERE, 'templates')))

[docs]class BaseElement(abc.ABC): """An abstract base LIVVkit element An abstract base LIVVkit element providing the basic element interface expected by LIVVkit. All LIVVkit elements should either derive from this class or implement the same interface. """ # FIXME: There's got to be a better way. # We want _html_template (_latex_template) to be required and act like: # >>> self._html_template # 'template.html' # This could be satisfied be a simple class attribute or a more complex property, # but NOT a method, which would have to be called like: # >>> self._html_template() # 'template.html' # Unfortunately, the chained @property and @abc.abstractmethod doesn't enforce # an attribute/property like action and can be satisfied by defining a method, # so we make sure that if it's not a property, it's also not callable (a method) def __init__(self): """Initialize a LIVVkit element """ if not isinstance(type(self)._html_template, property) and callable(self._html_template): raise TypeError('You must define _html_template as a property or attribute for this class') if not isinstance(type(self)._latex_template, property) and callable(self._latex_template): raise TypeError('You must define _latex_template as a property or attribute for this class') @property @abc.abstractmethod def _html_template(self): """The jinja2 HTML template An attribute or property which holds the jinja2 template used to represent the element as HTML. Returns: str: The jinja2 HTML template """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def _latex_template(self): """The jinja2 LaTeX template An attribute or property which holds the jinja2 template used to represent the element as LaTeX. Returns: str: The jinja2 LaTeX template """ raise NotImplementedError def _repr_json(self): """Represent this element as JSON Using the internal dictionary representation of this element, return a JSON representation of this element Returns: str: The JSON representation of this element """ jsn = {type(self).__name__: self.__dict__.copy()} jsn[type(self).__name__].update({'__module__': type(self).__module__, '_html_template': self._html_template, '_latex_template': self._latex_template}) return json_tricks.dumps(jsn, indent=4, primitives=True, allow_nan=True) def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__) def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__)
[docs]class CompositeElement(BaseElement, abc.ABC): """An abstract base LIVVkit element that contains other elements An abstract base LIVVkit element that contains other elements in self.elements and provides the basic element interface expected by LIVVkit. All LIVVkit elements should either be derived from the LIVVkit BaseElement or implement the same interface. """ def __init__(self, elements): """Initialize a composite LIVVkit element Args: elements: A list of LIVVkit elements """ super(CompositeElement, self).__init__() self.elements = elements def _repr_json(self): """Represent this element as JSON Using the internal dictionary representation of this element, return a JSON representation of this element Returns: str: The JSON representation of this element """ jsn = {type(self).__name__: self.__dict__.copy()} jsn[type(self).__name__].update({'__module__': type(self).__module__, '_html_template': self._html_template, '_latex_template': self._latex_template}) elem_repr = [json_tricks.loads(elem._repr_json()) for elem in self.elements] jsn[type(self).__name__]['elements'] = elem_repr return json_tricks.dumps(jsn, indent=4, primitives=True, allow_nan=True) def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ elem_repr = [elem._repr_html() for elem in self.elements] template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements=elem_repr) def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) elem_repr = [elem._repr_latex() for elem in self.elements] return template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements=elem_repr)
[docs]class NamedCompositeElement(BaseElement, abc.ABC): """An abstract base LIVVkit element that contains multiple other composite elements An abstract base LIVVkit element that allows to logically group multiple other composite elements in self.element_dict and provides the basic element interface expected by LIVVkit. All LIVVkit elements should either be derived from the LIVVkit BaseElement or implement the same interface. """ def __init__(self, elements_dict): """Initialize a multi-composite LIVVkit element Args: elements_dict: A dictionary where the (key, value) item represents a collection of LIVVkit elements. The key should be a name for the collection and the value should be a list of elements. """ super(NamedCompositeElement, self).__init__() self.elements_dict = elements_dict def _repr_json(self): """Represent this element as JSON Using the internal dictionary representation of this element, return a JSON representation of this element Returns: str: The JSON representation of this element """ jsn = {type(self).__name__: self.__dict__.copy()} jsn[type(self).__name__].update({'__module__': type(self).__module__, '_html_template': self._html_template, '_latex_template': self._latex_template}) elem_repr = {} for title, elements in self.elements_dict.items(): elem_repr[title] = [json_tricks.loads(elem._repr_json()) for elem in elements] jsn[type(self).__name__]['elements_dict'] = elem_repr return json_tricks.dumps(jsn, indent=4, primitives=True, allow_nan=True) def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ elem_repr = {} for title, elements in self.elements_dict.items(): elem_repr[title] = [elem._repr_html() for elem in elements] template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements_dict=elem_repr) def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ elem_repr = {} for title, elements in self.elements_dict.items(): elem_repr[title] = [elem._repr_latex() for elem in elements] template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements_dict=elem_repr)
[docs]class Page(CompositeElement): """A LIVVkit Page element The Page element contains the description of an analysis, the elements that should be displayed for this analysis on the report, as well as any references that should be included in the report. In general usage, this will be used to create an HTML page inside LIVVkit output website. It also will allow for the generation of other (experimental!) Report types (e.g., LaTeX), where the "page" meaning might be better interpreted as a "section". For LIVVkit Extensions (LEX), an instance of this class should be returned from the extensions `run()` function. """ _html_template = 'page.html' _latex_template = 'page.tex' def __init__(self, title, description, elements, references=''): """Initialize a Page elements Args: title: the title to display on the analysis description: A long (paragraph or more) description of the analysis being performed. Typically, it's best to write this description as the LEX extension's docstring and pass this class `__doc__` elements: A list of LIVVkit elements to include in the report references: The references to include as part of this analysis. This can be a path to a bibtex file containing the references, or a list/set/tuple of bibtex files containing the references (Note: ALL references inside the bibtex file(s) will be included!). Default value is `references=''` which will cause only the default LIVVkit references to be displayed. References can be entirely removed by setting `references=None`, however, this is *not* recommended. """ super(Page, self).__init__(elements) self.title = title self.description = description self._ref_list = None if references is not None: self.add_references(references) # FIXME: remove once common.js is obsolete self.Data = self._repr_html()
[docs] def add_references(self, references): """Add a reference to the internal reference list Args: references: The references to add to this page's internal reference list. This can be a path to a bibtex file containing the references, or a list/set/tuple of bibtex files containing the references (Note: This will include the default LIVVkit references and ALL references inside the bibtex file(s)!). """ if self._ref_list is None: self._ref_list = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, '*.bib') ) if references: if isinstance(references, (str, Path)): self._ref_list.append(references) elif isinstance(references, (list, set, tuple)): self._ref_list += list(references) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot add {} type to the reference list. References must be either a (str or ' 'Path) path to a bibtex file, or a list/set/tuple of bibtex files.'.format(type(references)) )
def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) elem_repr = [elem._repr_html() for elem in self.elements] rendered_html = template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements=elem_repr) if self._ref_list is not None: rendered_html += bib.bib2html(self._ref_list) return rendered_html def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) elem_repr = [elem._repr_latex() for elem in self.elements] rendered_tex = template.render(data=self.__dict__, elements=elem_repr) # FIXME: This is hacky! We're cheating the livvkit.util.bib.bib2html # functionality to actually return latex... See the LatexBackend class if self._ref_list is not None: rendered_tex += bib.bib2html(self._ref_list, backend=bib.LatexBackend()) return rendered_tex
[docs]class Tabs(NamedCompositeElement): """A LIVVkit Tabs element The Tabs element is a super element intended to logically separate elements into clickable tabs on the output website. It also will allow for the generation of other (experimental!) Report types (e.g., LaTeX), where the "tabs" meaning might be better interpreted as a "subsection". """ _html_template = 'tabs.html' _latex_template = 'tabs.tex' def __init__(self, tabs): """Initialize a Tabs element Args: tabs: A dictionary where each (key, value) item represents a tab. Keys will become the tab text and values should be lists of LIVVkit elements to display within the tab """ super(Tabs, self).__init__(tabs)
[docs]class Section(CompositeElement): """A LIVVkit Section element The Section element is a super element intended to logically separate elements into titled sections. It also will allow for the generation of other (experimental!) Report types (e.g., LaTeX), where the "section" meaning might be better interpreted as a "subsection". """ _html_template = 'section.html' _latex_template = 'section.tex' def __init__(self, title, elements): """Initialize a Section element Args: title: The title of the section elements: A list of LIVVkit elements to display within the section """ super(Section, self).__init__(elements) self.title = title
[docs]class Table(BaseElement): """A LIVVkit Table element The Table element will produce a table in the analysis report. """ _html_template = 'table.html' _latex_template = 'table.tex' def __init__(self, title, data, index=False, transpose=False): """Initialize a Section element Args: title: The title of the table data: The data to display in the table in the form of either a pandas DataFrame or a dictionary of the form {column1:[row1, row2...],... } where each (key, value) item is a table column, with the key being the column header and the value being a list of that's columns' row values. index: The index to include in the table. If False, no index will be included. If True, a numbered index beginning at zero will be included in the table. If a collection of values the same length as the data rows, the collection will be used to label the rows. transpose: A boolean (default: False) which will flip the table (headers become the index, index becomes the header). """ super(Table, self).__init__() self.title = title if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): = data.to_dict(orient='list') self.index = data.index.to_list() else: = data self.index = None self.rows = len(next(iter( if index is True and self.index is None: self.index = range(self.rows) elif isinstance(index, if len(index) != self.rows: raise IndexError('Table index must be the same length as the table. ' 'Table rows: {}, index length: {}.'.format(self.rows, len(index))) self.index = index if transpose: self._html_template = 'table_transposed.html' self._latex_template = 'table_transposed.tex' def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, rows=self.rows, index=self.index) def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, rows=self.rows, index=self.index)
[docs]class BitForBit(CompositeElement): """A LIVVkit BitForBit element The BitForBit element will produce a table in the analysis report indicating bit-for-bit statuses with a difference image shown in the final column of the table. """ _html_template = 'bit4bit.html' _latex_template = 'bit4bit.tex' def __init__(self, title, data, imgs): """Initialize a BitForBit element Args: title: The title of the bit-for-bit comparisons data: The data to display in the table in the form of either a pandas DataFrame or a dictionary of the form {column1:[row1, row2...],... } where each (key, value) item is a table column, with the key being the column header and the value being a list of that's columns' row values imgs: A list of LIVVkit Image elements to display in an additional final column of the bit-for-bit table. Note: The list must be same length as the number of rows in the table data """ super(BitForBit, self).__init__(imgs) self.title = title if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): = data.to_dict(orient='list') else: = data self.rows = len(next(iter( if len(imgs) != self.rows: raise IndexError('Imgs must be the same length as the table. ' 'Table rows: {}, imgs length: {}.'.format(self.rows, len(imgs))) def _repr_html(self): """Represent this element as HTML Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._html_template``, return an HTML representation of this element Returns: str: The HTML representation of this element """ imgs_repr = [img._repr_html() for img in self.elements] template = _html_env.get_template(self._html_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, rows=self.rows, b4b_imgs=imgs_repr) def _repr_latex(self): """Represent this element as LaTeX Using the jinja2 template defined by ``self._latex_template``, return an LaTeX representation of this element Returns: str: The LaTeX representation of this element """ imgs_repr = [img._repr_latex() for img in self.elements] template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) return template.render(data=self.__dict__, rows=self.rows, b4b_imgs=imgs_repr)
[docs]class Image(BaseElement): """A LIVVkit Image element The Image element produces an image/figure in the report. """ _html_template = 'image.html' _latex_template = 'image.tex' def __init__(self, title, desc, image_file, group=None, height=None, relative_to=None): """Initialize a Section element Args: title: The title of the image desc: A description of the image which in most report forms will be figure caption image_file: The path to the image to display. Note: this should resolve to a path inside the report output directory group: Group the images into a JavaScript Lightbox with this name (default: None). Note: this is only relevant for an HTML report height: The height of the image in pixels relative_to: Transform the image path to be relative to this directory. By default, the image will assumed to be in the directory, or a subdirectory, of the page it's displayed on. """ super(Image, self).__init__() self.title = title self.desc = desc self.path, = os.path.split(image_file) # FIXME: This assumes that images are images are always located in a # subdirectory of the current page if a relative path start # location isn't specified if relative_to is None: relative_to = os.path.dirname(self.path) self.path = os.path.relpath(self.path, relative_to) = group self.height = height def _repr_latex(self): template = _latex_env.get_template(self._latex_template) data = self.__dict__ data['path'] = self.path.lstrip('/') return template.render(data=data)
[docs]class B4BImage(Image): """A B4BImage element A dummy Image that can be used by the BitForBit element indicating a bit-for-bit verification result. """ def __init__(self, title, description, page_path): """Initialize a dummy B4BImage element Args: title: The title of the image description: A description of the image which in most report forms will be figure caption page_path: The path to the page on which the dummy image will be displayed """ image_file = os.path.join(livvkit.output_dir, 'imgs', 'b4b.png') super(B4BImage, self).__init__(title, description, image_file=image_file, relative_to=page_path, height=50, group='b4b')
[docs]class NAImage(Image): """A NAImage element A dummy Image that can be used to indicate a missing image """ def __init__(self, title, description, page_path): """Initialize a dummy NAImage element Args: title: The title of the image description: A description of the image which in most report forms will be figure caption page_path: The path to the page on which the dummy image will be displayed """ image_file = os.path.join(livvkit.output_dir, 'imgs', 'na.png') super(NAImage, self).__init__(title, description, image_file=image_file, relative_to=page_path, height=50, group='na')
[docs]class FileDiff(BaseElement): """A LIVVkit FileDiff element The FilleDiff element will compare two text files and produce a git-diff style diff of the files. """ _html_template = 'diff.html' _latex_template = 'diff.tex' def __init__(self, title, from_file, to_file, context=3): """Initialize a FileDiff element Args: title: The title of the diff from_file: A path to the file which will be compared against to_file: A path to the file which which to compare context: An positive int indicating the number of lines of context to display on either side of each difference found """ super(FileDiff, self).__init__() self.title = title self.from_file = from_file self.to_file = to_file self.diff, self.diff_status = self.diff_files(context=context)
[docs] def diff_files(self, context=3): """Perform the file diff Args: context: An positive int indicating the number of lines of context to display on either side of each difference found Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: difference: A str containing either a git-style diff of the files if a difference was found or the original file in full diff_status: A boolean indicating whether any differences were found """ with open(self.from_file) as from_, open(self.to_file) as to_: fromlines = tolines = if context is None: context = max(len(fromlines), len(tolines)) diff = list(difflib.unified_diff(fromlines, tolines, n=context, lineterm='')) diff_status = True if not diff: diff_status = False diff = fromlines return diff, diff_status
[docs]class Error(BaseElement): """A LIVVkit Error element The Error element will produce an error message in the analysis report. """ _html_template = 'err.html' _latex_template = 'err.tex' def __init__(self, title, message): """Initialize a LIVVkit Error element Args: title: The title of the error message: The error message to display """ super(Error, self).__init__() self.title = title self.message = message
[docs]class RawHTML(BaseElement): """A LIVVkit RawHTML element The RawHTML element will directly display the contained HTML in the analysis report. For an HTML report (default) this will be directly written onto the page so is a potential security hole and should be used with caution. For the experimental report types (e.g., LaTeX) the contained HTML will be written to report in a code display block or as a raw string. """ _html_template = 'raw.html' _latex_template = 'raw.tex' def __init__(self, html): """Initialize a LIVVkit RawHTML element Args: html: An HTML str """ super(RawHTML, self).__init__() self.html = html